Lenten Midweek Meals
•Wednesdays, March 12,19,23-April 2,9
•5:30-6:30pm in Fellowship Hall
•Suggested donation of $7.00
•Each meal includes a main dish, side, fruit, and dessert; gluten-free options are available on request.
•Wednesdays, March 12,19,23-April 2,9
•5:30-6:30pm in Fellowship Hall
•Suggested donation of $7.00
•Each meal includes a main dish, side, fruit, and dessert; gluten-free options are available on request.
Each week in Lent St. John’s gathers together on Wednesday evenings for a 30-minute, reflective service. Worship will be filled with the music of Holden Evening Prayer and reflections on the heart of Jesus from St. John’s people. Add 7:00pm to your calendars Wednesdays, March 12,19,23 and April 2,9, to come together to experience God in a beautiful way. Guest speakers from St. John’s will share memorable moments of their faith journey, revealing the heart of Jesus in their lives.
You can help eliminate hunger in our community by volunteering for St. Mark’s Food Ministry with St. John's!
Friday Meal workers prepare food, serve the meal, and clean-up afterward. The lunch is prepared for dine in or carry out. Whenever you choose to serve, you will make a difference at St. Mark's Food Ministry!
Free Community Meal (groups of 3-4 volunteers): Fridays, 10:30am-1:30pm.
We will meet at St. John's at 10:00am to caravan, and we will be back around 2:00pm.
Click here for link
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil
Join Vicar Christopher for an educational experience.
Part 1: March 29 at 4pm or March 30 at 10:30am
Part 2: April 4 at 4pm or April 5 at 10:30am
High school youth are selling Milwaukee Pretzel All orders will be due Monday, March 31, with pretzels arriving on Tuesday, April 22nd. Contact any high school youth or the church office to place your order.
St. John’s is delivering Meals on Wheels to Evansville residents during the weekdays in April. Volunteers will pick up meals at Creekside Place Monday-Friday at 11am. Sign up on the Ministry Table or call the church office.
Join Pastor Matt and Becca for a mid-week connection on Wednesdays at 9:15pm. These brief Facebook LIVE events are called Wednesday Night Live with the Poocks. They use the Faith Five – share highs and lows, read the Bible, discuss it, pray, and bless. Sometimes they even sing a song. If you can't watch them LIVE, you can view when it is convenient for you. You don’t need a Facebook account to view.
Watch on our Facebook page.
To see the most recent video, click here.
It is difficult to prioritize relationships when most of us have to-do lists, jobs, and commitments that top our priorities. But Jesus loves us too much to leave us to our own demise. God wants us to have friends that really know us and accept us for who we are. Cost is $100 and covers the cost for your lodging and meals at Lutherdale in Elkhorn. Sign up on the Ministry Table. A $50. non-refundable payment is due to reserve your spot.
Charleston: April 6-12. 7 days/6 nights. $1089
Canada: Sept 13-20. 8 days/7 nights. $1399
New York City & the Statue of Liberty: December 4-10. 7 days/6 nights. $1,175
Sign-ups on The Ministry Table
Holy Week Worship
April 16- Easter Vigil Worship 8pm
April 17- Maundy Thursday Worship 5pm,
7pm with Holy Communion
April 18 - Good Friday (Tenebrae) Worship, 7pm
April 19- No Saturday Worship; Prayer Vigil
April 20 - 6:30am Easter Sunrise Worship
7:30am Easter Breakfast,8:15am Egg Hunt
9:00am Easter Festival Worship
10:30am Easter Festival Worship
If you're able, help spread the Easter crowd and worship at 6:30 am or 10:30 am
Come walk with us!
If you are interested in learning more about the traditions of Holy Week and the Easter Vigil, you are encouraged to join Vicar Christopher for a special
two-part presentation, each offered at two different times:
Part One: Saturday, March 28 at 4pm or Sunday, March 29 at 10:30am
Part Two: Saturday, April 5 at 4pm or Sunday, April 5 at 10:30am
Please reach out with questions to Vicar Christopher. vicar@stjohns-lc.org
Holy Week tells the powerful and poignant story that is at the center of Christian life and faith. Christians around the world focus hearts and minds on the powerful story of the betrayal, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In particular, Maundy Thursday evening through Easter evening know throughout the Christion church as the Great Three Days of Easter (Triduum is Latin for three days). These three days focus intensely on Christ’s passage from death to life.
This annual celebration had become a three-day observance by the fourth century. Worship during Holy Week is best approached as one continuous service. You are invited to remember and witness the entire story.
Holy Week tells the powerful and poignant story that is at the center of Christian life and faith. Christians around the world focus hearts and minds on the powerful story of the betrayal, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In particular, Maundy Thursday evening through Easter evening know throughout the Christion church as the Great Three Days of Easter (Triduum is Latin for three days). These three days focus intensely on Christ’s passage from death to life.
This annual celebration had become a three-day observance by the fourth century. Worship during Holy Week is best approached as one continuous service. You are invited to remember and witness the entire story.
Holy Week tells the powerful and poignant story that is at the center of Christian life and faith. Christians around the world focus hearts and minds on the powerful story of the betrayal, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In particular, Maundy Thursday evening through Easter evening know throughout the Christion church as the Great Three Days of Easter (Triduum is Latin for three days). These three days focus intensely on Christ’s passage from death to life.
This annual celebration had become a three-day observance by the fourth century. Worship during Holy Week is best approached as one continuous service. You are invited to remember and witness the entire story.
Acts 29 is looking forward to a 2025 mission trip. Presbyterian Church of the Cross in Omaha, Nebraska is hosting volunteers in response to F-4 tornadoes in the Midwest. This organization along with Omaha Rapid Response has been functioning since 2019. We are trying to play our trip for a week in May. If you are interested in joining or would like more information about it, please contact Linda Rehfeldt. (608-295-6723, rehfeldtlr@gmail.com)
On Saturday, March 15, St. John’s is connecting over puzzles. Stay after worship for a “piece” of pizza and “piece” together a 500-piece puzzle. The tournament will gather teams of four to grab their “piece” of the prize. Don’t have a team? Your team will be “pieced” together on the 15th! The first team to complete their puzzle is the winner. If you would rather skip supper at the church building and warm-up your puzzling fingers, then arrive at 6:30pm for instructions and the tournament start. Maybe you have puzzled at the cabin for years. Maybe you just got into puzzles during the pandemic. And maybe you haven’t ever puzzled in your life. You are ALL invited and welcome to this FUN event. You are the piece to the puzzle!
The Greek word AGAPE [ah-gah-pay] means communal love, and that will be the foundation of this new community. You are invited, along with your friends, to join Vicar Christopher and other young adults at El Vallarta on Saturday, March 15, at 3pm. We’ll also read some Scripture and pray together, as we seek to encourage one another and build each other up in community. Please RSVP by September 16th to vicar@stjohns-lc.org or by phone/text (608) 469-3664
Sewing is a valuable skill that can help people earn reliable income. Fabric Kits provide fabric and thread for vocational training programs teaching sewing, and for newly trained tailors to launch their sewing business. Families also use the kits to mend their clothing and extend the life of their limited wardrobes. Donations can be brought to the red shelf in the gathering area
Our church building needs a new roof, and now is the perfect opportunity to add solar panels for environmental and fiscal responsibility. With these projects, St. John’s is preparing our building for a bright future, come rain or shine. (See the March newsletter for all the details.) Estimated costs are $350,000; we have already saved half of that amount! The goal of our “Rain or Shine” Appeal is $175,000. We can reach this goal working together. We’ve already sent our first payment, and gifts are already coming in. Make your gift by mail, dropbox, offering box, or online, designated for “Rain or Shine.”
On Ash Wednesday, March 5, we will gather for worship at 8:00am & 7:00pm in the sanctuary. The 7:00pm service will be live-streamed online.
On any given week you can find a multitude of servant workers helping to fulfill St. John’s mission and ministry. From assembling mailings (including this newsletter!) to quilting, from building maintenance to counting our financial offerings, people give their time and energy generously. On Tuesday, March 4, 11:30am-1:30pm, all are invited to a Mardi Gras lunch!
Following our meal, we will recognize our faithful ministry workers who volunteer their time and talents during the weekdays. Then we’ll enjoy a time of fun and entertainment. Please RSVP to the church office.
Purchase a 12-inch hanging basket of annual flowers from Pleasant Prairie Greenhouse for shade or sun to support our high school youth's mission trip to Lake Traverse. Each basket is $35. Baskets will be available for pick up Friday and Saturday, May 9th & 10th. Payment is due at time of order. Order forms are on the Ministry Table and must be in by Thursday, February 27.
Bonhoeffer (2003) is the dramatic documentary about the young German pacifist, theologian, and Christ-follower Dietrich Bonhoeffer who resisted the Nazi regime. As we prepare to reflect on his writing for Lent, St. John’s is hosting a movie night with a pizza supper Saturday, March 1, 6-8pm. All are invited to witness a powerful story of faith in the face of adversity. (TV-14)
Making Lutheran World Relief Kits is a simple, tangible way to offer comfort to those suffering and express love to our neighbors in need. LWR Kits are specifically designed to help people coping with poverty, disaster, conflict and more. During the months of January and February we will focus on collecting the following NEW items: light-weight bath-size towels (dark color recommended), bath-size bars of soap (any brand in original wrapping), adult size toothbrushes in original wrapping, sturdy combs, and metal nail clippers.
On Saturday, February 22, at 6:00pm, our high schoolers will host a night of cards at St. John’s to raise funds for their summer youth trip to New Orleans. Invite your favorite Euchre partner (or let us choose your partner) and make plans to play. Cost is $15 per person and can be paid when you arrive; pizza and drinks included, be sure to bring a snack. Sign up on the Ministry Table or contact the church office.
If you grew up in a congregation, there are certainly classic children’s songs rattling around in your music memory. Soul Troop (3rd-5th grades,) will demonstrate their worship leadership. God delights in our praise and worship, simple or grand.
This summer, July 13-18, St. John’s high school youth will go to Camp Amnicon for a week of adventure, worship, fellowship, and fun. Pleasant Prairie Greenhouse is generously providing hanging baskets to defray the cost of the event. The 12-inch hanging basket is filled with annual flowers either for sun or shade — and all in time for Mother’s Day.
Place your order by Thursday, February 27. Each basket is $35. Checks should be made to St. John’s with “Hanging Basket” in the memo line. Or scan St. John’s QR code on the right to pay by card.
Scan to pay!
On Sunday, February 2, 10:15am-12:45pm, we will participate in an on-site mission project for Kids Against Hunger. In about two hours, we will package nutritionally-rich meals full of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins—perfect for a malnourished body and mind. The contents of each meal costs $0.21, and we’ll package 25,000 meals! This is a large event that requires many people. Come serve! Sign up on the Ministry Table.
The Annual Congregational Meeting of St. John’s is scheduled for Sunday, January 26, at 10:15am following 9:00am worship. All members are asked to be present for the business of the congregation. We will hear reports, reflect on the previous year, look ahead to 2025, and approve our operating budget. This meeting is an annual reminder that together we share the responsibility and joy of God’s work among us. Join us for brunch following the Annual Meeting—hosted by our high school youth as they raise funds for the National Youth Gathering.
Come for a service of healing and hope on Saturday, January 25th following the 5pm worship service.
On Monday, January 20, join us for a meaningful reflection on the legacy of MLK Jr. with Pastor Matt. He will guide us on a thoughtful walk through Levi Leonard and TRIS schools. Parking is available in our St. John’s parking lot. Meet at the Levi Leonard front office at 9am.
Starting Wednesday, January 15 at 6:00-7:15pm, join St. John’s for Adult Confirmation. We will dive into the Old Testament for nine weeks using The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction to learn about key people, places, and events. Sign up on the Ministry Table.
Are you looking for a small group to help you answer questions about who God is, how to read the Bible, what God wants for our lives, and how to pray. In a 7-week small group series on Sunday evenings this summer, we’re inviting adults to explore the anchors of our faith: the Bible, the Church, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. No question is off limits; no experience necessary. Contact the church office to join. We meet Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30pm: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25.
To sign up Email the Church Office.
Remembering Your Baptism Milestone
During our 9am worship on January 12, kindergarteners will receive a small gift and a blessing. At 10:15am, we will gather for a workshop just for kindergarteners and parents. We will consider what the promises of baptism mean and how we live as baptized children of God.
Its high-energy sound features acoustic string instruments. Expect bluegrass favorites including “I Saw the Light,” “Down to the River to Pray,” “Victory is Mine,” and “I’ll Fly Away.” Mark your calendars and wear your flannel and boots for January 11 and 12!
Stop by the Poock’s to celebrate the day of Epiphany (Jan 6) and the ending of the 12 days of Christmas. This is a day for visitors, remembering the wise men that came to visit the young Jesus.
Matt, Becca, Eleanor, Micah, Simon, and Marty (the dog) extend a warm invitation to you for the 14th annual Poock Open House, on Monday, January 6, 2025, from 4:30-6:30pm. Fiesta Chili (mild) will be served, so get your adventurous tastebuds ready! If you’d like to bring an appetizer or snack, let them know. Together we’ll celebrate the beginning of a new year. You’ll find the lights on at 470 W Church St. in Evansville.
With Christmas Eve on a Sunday this year, St. John’s inquired about your worship plans for the weekend. After tabulation the numbers, St. John’s Christmas Eve services will be:
•Tuesday, December 24, 7pm
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for one of the four services on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the arrival of our savior, Jesus Christ.
With Christmas Eve on a Sunday this year, St. John’s inquired about your worship plans for the weekend. After tabulation the numbers, St. John’s Christmas Eve services will be:
•Tuesday, December 24, 5pm
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for one of the four services on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the arrival of our savior, Jesus Christ.
With Christmas Eve on a Sunday this year, St. John’s inquired about your worship plans for the weekend. After tabulation the numbers, St. John’s Christmas Eve services will be:
•Tuesday, December 24, 3pm
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for one of the four services on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the arrival of our savior, Jesus Christ.
With Christmas Eve on a Sunday this year, St. John’s inquired about your worship plans for the weekend. After tabulation the numbers, St. John’s Christmas Eve services will be:
•Tuesday, December 24, 1pm
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for one of the four services on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the arrival of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Caroling at Christmas can be dated back to the year 1223. The church of St. Francis of Assissi believed singing songs full of joy was more appropriate than the dull hymns of the Middle Ages. Almost 800 years later, St. John’s carries on this merry tradition. Warm up your voices and bundle up to share the Christmas cheer around the community on Sunday, December 22.
You, your friends, and your family are all invited. Following 9am worship, we’ll depart from the church building by 10:15. As long as you have joy in your heart, we want your voice in the chorus. This is for people of all ages.
Join with others for a half hour worship on Wednesday evenings for Holden Evening Prayer.
December 18 at 7:00pm
Need Nursery care for Christmas Eve worship service. We have you covered for the 1pm and 3pm. Our Nursery staff will be there ready to take care of your children and take them to the children’s message.
After the festive Christmas Program on Sunday, December 15, St. John’s will gather in the Fellowship to create ornaments and enjoy a hot cocoa bar. All our welcome to choose a design and personalize it for their tree. We may not be able to share the tree-decorating occasions in our homes, but we can share in the joy of creating an ornament to celebrate Christ.
When Jesus was born there was joy on earth and in heaven. “Heaven and Nature Sing” captures this epic moment with a mix of worshipful storytelling, Bible readings, dramatic flair, and a whole lot of singing! Join us as we spread the joy and hope this miraculous birth brings.