Our Mission


Reaching up,

Reaching out,

Reaching within...

because God reaches out to us.

Our Core Values

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Inspiring Worship

Every week people of all ages – families, friends, and guests – gather together to celebrate God’s grace and love.  We engage God’s word as relevant for our daily lives; we share the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Music stirs our souls and unites us in praise. Through worship we reach up to God.


Uplifting Prayer

Prayer connects us to God, each other, and the world. In silence and out loud, in community and at home, we are honest and vulnerable with God and each other. With praise and thanksgiving, we share our prayer requests and commit to praying for each other. Through prayer we reach up to God.

Faithful Service

God is at work in our world, to bring about a good future for all people. God uses us to carry out God’s will and bring healing and hope to those who are hurting. Together we offer our resources of time, talent, and treasure to address fundamental human needs. Through service we reach out to our neighbors.

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Caring Invitation

God invites us into a lifelong, loving relationship.  We care that our family, friends, and neighbors would know the peace and love of Christ in their lives. We actively invite all to share in the life of our congregation. Through invitation we reach out to our neighbors.

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Lifelong Spiritual Growth

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to be a lifelong student who is learning God’s ways of truth and grace. We foster continued personal spiritual growth through small groups, study, events, and travel. Children, youth, families, and adults engage each other to grow in faith and understanding. Through spiritual growth we reach within to each other.

Christ-Centered Friendship

We all yearn to know others and be known by others in authentic relationships. God has intended for our lives to be shared for our mutual benefit. We build faith-based relationships with each other that see us through the highs and lows of life. Through friendship we reach within to each other.