God is present with us all the time, but God is also hidden. It can take practice to become aware of God’s presence in our daily lives. Looking for and finding God is sometimes called God-sightings. Instead of bird-watching, keeping an eye out for cardinals, or sparrows, or even the occasional catbird, we are to keep our eyes open for God, lurking about in our lives and neighborhoods. When we witness love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, we are seeing God.
For 28 days we’ll challenge each other to intentionally look for God in our daily lives. Everyday encounters with God can be a vital component of our Christian faith. We need support to live our faith as a priority every day of the week. Every week we worship and encourage each other in faith. We are also sent out to live our faith every day. Most of our faith is lived in our workplaces, in the community, in schools, and in our homes.
This “God-Sightings” Challenge is for everyone! The simple task of looking for God will help you prioritize your connection with God as you go about your days.
The God-Sightings Challenge will take place from Sunday, August 16, through Saturday, September 12.
Sign up online to commit to the challenge.
Pick up a God Sightings journal.
Start looking for the presence of God in your life, and record what you find each day.
Consider marking a cross on the back of your hand with a pen or marker each day.
Remember, the goal isn’t to cram one more thing onto your plate. It’s to establish a regular practice that helps you live a more centered and resilient life.