Our pastoral intern for 2020-2021, Kristofer Rhude, has begun his ministry with us at St. John’s. In this time of limited in-person gatherings, we invite you to welcome him and start getting to know him at our weekly outdoor Holy Communion services. We are excited to invite you to midday or evening “Dinner for Nine” meals with Vicar Kris in August. These events will feature boxed meals from The Grove Market, will last an hour, and will take place on the St. John’s front lawn. Please bring a lawn chair and wear a face covering.
In addition to the in-person meal events, we are happy to offer Tea Times, which are virtual visits with Vicar Kris. These will also be an hour; participants can log onto https://meet.jit.si/MeetWithStJohnsEvansville or call in at 1.512.402.2718 (PIN: 1096 5876 26#).
Reservations are required. Call the St. John’s office or visit https://bit.ly/VicarVisit to make your reservation.